Spring. Yes, it has been something like a month since I last posted, and I am sorry. The weather has been so tricksy lately. You get a day where you need to unbutton your coat to walk around comfortably, and then a few hours later you have a snowstorm. This has happened 2 - 3 times that I can think of, and I was not expecting that at all. “That's March in Poland,” they say. But these past few days have been really glorious. I even bought a spring jacket (on big sale — they must have been like me, thinking that spring was never actually going to come), after having walked around rather comfortably all day in just a long-sleeved shirt. There's been rain, clouds, and sunshine. My bazie (pussywillows) are sprouting and rooting. I keep my windows open. Spring really is the best because it is so full of hope. I will miss being here for the beautiful Polish summer, but spring here feels like you've earned it.
So what else have I been up to? Well, I'll have to look at my pictures to remember. You can look too. This post will be very image intensive, just to warn you. You might want to set aside 2 - 3 hours to absorb it all.
5 weeks ago