There are SO many things I ought to be doing at this moment, and updating this blog is not one of them. I'm very excited about Poland, but not channeling my excitement in the most productive ways. Still, I feel like I'm getting things accomplished, because of how God has been moving in my life this week.
I'll be moving back into Mom's house on Thursday or Friday, which will be good. I'll have all my stuff in front of me, and that'll make it easier for me to get organized and pack. Right now I just have a very nebulous list in my head. The main things I want to bring are cameras, books, and yarn. I can knit cables now, and that's a great feeling. I made a cabled cowl for Hannah. It looks really good on her. :) I'm going to make a sweater for me next. It's this one.
No point to this... But I guess it's good to get in the habit of updating regularly. Cameron is waving around a Santoku knife, declaring the merits of "That Day Is Done" by Costello/McCartney. (Elvis wrote the best bits.) Cameron's a "toilet paper under" kind of guy. I don't know if our relationship will work.
Friends laugh together! Be good, everyone.
5 weeks ago
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