Hello everyone,
I guess I am not that creative. My Alaska blog was called Chelaska, and my Poland blog is called Chelska. Still, they go nicely together. So welcome to my new blog. The purpose of this will be to share my thoughts, experiences, and photographs from my upcoming trip.
I am leaving to go to Poland for three months on February 4. I am a volunteer with the IMB, the International Missions Board. I've been to Poland twice, for 7-10 days each time. The first time was in summer of '08, and the second was in summer '09. Both times, we were working in Jewish cemeteries. I won't go into that right now, but you can view the photos from both of my trips if you go to my Picasaweb page. There is some information about the team over in Warsaw at Team Warsaw. I think I will be helping update the website some when I'm there. My writing background and minimal HTML experience may finally come in handy.
If you know me, you know that I love to travel, experience new cultures, and meet people from different countries. This fueled my initial interest in the project. When I actually got there, I fell in love with the work we were doing, with Poland, and the people over there in general. What a fascinating history that country has.
God has really been working in me and opening me up to new experiences, and new levels of love and patience. I still have such a long way to go, but am so grateful for this time of preparation I've had before leaving for Poland. Three months isn't a very long time, I know. But I'm expecting great things out of my time in Warsaw.
I think that's all for now. There's a lot more information I could post, but all the salient facts will come out in due time, I'm sure. If you have any questions, advice, etc., post them here, and I'll try to respond to them.
(Oh, and by the way, I hardly know any Polish... So keep me in your thoughts there as well. I do know how to say "I'm sorry," which I think is the most important phrase to learn.)
Love and Unicorns,
5 weeks ago
Having just come from your send-off party/prayer time, I can say I am more proud of you than ever, and that's saying a lot. I know you will have a great impact while you are there, and I am praying that God will show you clear direction for the life He has planned for you. I love you.
Hi, Chelsea,
We thought we had not saved your blog site, but we just realized it was in our bookmarks. Sorry we missed sending you a send-off note on Feb. 4.
We are having another snowstorm tonight--just when we thought we were through with wintry blasts. Hope it is not too cold there.
We pray for you and your work there and will keep up with your messages.
Judy and Mel
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