That's one phrase I know myself, thanks to my laundry machine. (It's in Italian, translated to Polish.) "Very Dirty." It describes the current conditions outside. The last three days or so have been quite warm (that is, above freezing). I'm very cold-natured, but even with just one or two degrees above 0C, I felt renewed. I even got hot walking around outside. It was really nice at first, but now the snow is melting. I know it's part of winter, but when there's this much snow in the first place, it doesn't take long for things to get disgusting.
Thursday I went to a new mall ALL BY MYSELF to look for a pasmanteria. It is a haberdashery and they sometimes sell yarn. This one only had a few kinds, mostly acrylic blends, and no needles. Kind of a waste. But I relaxed at Coffee Heaven, reading and knitting for a while. I love the Tiger Latte. Cardamom, cinnamon, espresso, steamed milk. Coffee Heaven is a chain, but it's a gazillion times better than Starbucks. (There are like two of those in WAW now, by the way.) Also I think it was started in Poland, so it's ok.
Krzysiek and Joe got in touch with me that afternoon and we set up a time to meet that evening. This was good; I hadn't seen K yet this time. It was good to see him again, and it's always good to talk to Joe. We started out to go to a cool coffee shop called "The Sensitive Barbarian," except in Polish. It has a great atmosphere and tons of books. I bought a book in Polish that I'll probably never be able to read, but it was only 15 zł, sort of old, and very beautiful to me. But this place was too crowded (I will go back there), so we ended up at Costa. The girl at the counter was very nice to me in English.
Friday, I met with Kasia to do and overview of the Saska Kępa area. It's an area I will make some sort of guide video on for the team here. More on that later. It was not at all a nice day for pictures. The sidewalks were also in terrible condition. But I saw a lot of great places and got a lot of great ideas.
This evening I hope to meet with Magda. It's so gross out, and will be dark by that time, that I imagine we'll just go to a coffee shop or restaurant or something. But she sounds eager to take me to different places, to show me things I haven't seen before, so whatever we do will be very interesting. It will be great to see her again.
Tomorrow, Sunday, we are having home group at my apartment. I've got so much space, it'll be good to fill it up. I really need a cat in here. I need cuddles.
I will post pictures soon -- I don't have a card reader for Susan's camera; maybe I'll get one today? I should have my camera by March 2. I'm so excited for it.
Do you love me? Leave me a comment. I need some prayers too. My happy pills aren't doing what I pay them to do. At least I slept last night.
Trying to stay czyste, suche, i ciepłe.
5 weeks ago
I love you Chelsea! I hope you O-D on your happy pills soon! I'm so glad you saw K this week. Hope you get to spend lots of time with him over the coming weeks. Praying for you each day! I know Sunday's house group will be a great time of rejuvination for you. Stay warm!
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I know you will accomplish great things, all with God's help. Chin up - the warmer weather will come soon, and your mood will improve. Have a wonderful home group.
Rachel — that's probably the only time someone could wish me an overdose and it would be super nice. :) Thanks for your prayers.
Mom — There is sun out today and I feel a little better. It says it's 36 out now, and I can hear snow melting. HG starts in an hour, and it will be very good. :)
I hope you are well, my girl. I am going to stick it to the French and apply for jobs else where. That'll learn 'em! Heh.
Please learn to read Polish. Then we can open a Polska cukierek sklep. That way we earn back the money spent opening that shop.
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