A temporary solution, I think that says. Susan is letting me borrow her point & shoot camera, and I should have my replacement by the end of the month. A man coming over from the States has agreed to bring it with him, so I don't have to pay for int'l shipping, or duty taxes. I'm very excited.
I also have some pictures from Malaysian Food Night, thanks to Kaylin. I took a few of them using her camera, and she is very kindly letting me use some of hers too. I'm going to mention which ones are mine; assume the rest are Kaylin's. (Some might be Susan's too; I don't know.) Anyway you can assume the best ones belong to K. :) Click the link to read more.
Here the girls begin to cook. Things start to smell good. (CLB photo)
Here's the delicious, ever so hot sambal sauce.
Preparing chicken. (CLB photo)
Meanwhile, other preparations go on. (CLB photo)
Later, the men arrive. With so many people cooking, it quickly becomes a very social event. (CLB photo)
It was such hard work that I was getting more tea.
Ever so satisfying "fat rice" (nasi lemak). That reminds me, I still have some in my fridge...
I think here they were helping to crack and peel the hard-boiled eggs. This picture isn't great, but for some reason I like it. (CLB photo)
More eggs... (CLB photo)
Ahh, finally time to eat.
Special fried chicken, nasi lemak, hard boiled eggs, sambal sauce. I really wish I could eat like this every day.
My digital camera being broken, I brought my fisheye instead. Sadly, though it does have a Bulb setting, I only had 100 ISO film; so I don't know how well they'll turn out. Kaylin apparently liked it, and took this picture of it resting.
It wouldn't have been out of character for me, but I wasn't wearing trees in my hair. Here I made a very earnest, yet feeble, attempt at drawing a US map to demonstrate the location of Tennessee. Maybe I should upload a picture of it, but somewhere, somehow, I know it would make my 9th grade geography teacher weep.
More socializing. No, we weren't always this segregated...
See? Interracial mingling. Polish and American. Culture! Tolerance! Open-mindedness!
I'm just kidding, of course. Everyone liked each other and was interested to learn new things. This was taken right before we "officially" started eating, though we had been snacking for the 2 hours it took for the meal to complete. Our lovely cooks were telling us about the meal, what was in each thing, how to prepare it, etc. Later on, our amusing male guests tried to help us learn to be efficient and not messy when it came to eating with our hands. Not everyone succeeded, or was brave enough to try.
What was happening during that last picture.
I think there were officially 21 people there. Our new Malaysian friends came in and were introduced in groups of several people at a time. Susan's brilliant idea (not being sarcastic) was to take a picture of each person with his or her cup (which was labelled with their name) (*sock-o* take that, grammar!), so that names could be reviewed and better remembered for next time. This is a picture of that happening.
So, there's a recap of Malaysian night. I'm leaving for English club in about an hour, and am still in my pajamas. I made the EC discussion sheet tonight, and really enjoyed it. I'm happy to take that over. Got to talk to Mom on Skype a few minutes ago. But she couldn't show me Leia because she had no webcam. Boo.
I am frozen and will show you more pictures of snow soon. My apartment is slightly less cold than usual at the moment, though, so that is a good thing.
Snowy post-Valentine love,
All of these pictures made me happy! Especially (but mostly) the ones of you.
I hope you enjoyed the food. Malaysia is a land of delicious foods.
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