Yo! I have Photoshop, all is well. It was lots easier than I thought. Sorry for doubting you, NSCC. You still owe me money, though.
So, there are over 80 pictures I'm going to post. I don't think I'll write much, maybe just to explain what certain things are. I went to Kraków with Magda and her friend Monika (I think, I'm terrible with names, but that's a fairly common one so it's a good guess) on 2 April. I really enjoyed seeing another Polish city. I have to admit, I like Warsaw better so far. However, I would love to try again on a day that is warm and sunny, and see what my impression of Kraków is then...
But for now, pictures.
If I unfocus my eyes a little, I can pretend I am in Italy.
Corpus Christi
In the old Jewish section
I miss my cats...
I forget what they called this, but apparently I had to try it. So I did, and it was nice. It had mushrooms or spinach or something.
I really liked this coffee shop.
I need to start making up my mind which ones I like best
Zbigniew Wodecki. Singer, musician, instrumentalist, composer, arranger, television presenter, and actor. 60 years old with a great head of hair...
The next many will be of the castle in Kraków. We didn't get to go inside, but it was still really cool.
Not castle; rather a view from.
Magda :)
If God is with us, who can be against us?
As we walked through this tunnel, Magda took my arm and told me to close my eyes. She wanted me to be surprised by...
This. And I was. Huge and oddly quiet. Almost Italy again.
Jan Paweł II
There are cowboys all over the world.
I want this for my floor
It was Good Friday, and lots of museums were closed. So we went into many churches.
I wished I had taken this picture. So I did.
Chopin again. It was an exhibit. I'll have to remember who did it, and will try to add it in later.
I briefly became a ghost and flew.
The blue one is mine
God, apparently
The Patron Saint of Quality Footwear. Jordan, Katie, I thought of you when I took this.
Horse picture.
Pork knuckle festival...
This dragon turned out to be for Subway. Poor dragon.
The first golden arches I've seen in my life.
They have a thing about dragons here.
In the courtyard of a museum which was closed.
A museum which was open and quite enjoyable. Although I wish it didn't have those terrible banners on the front.
Kraków's castle
Gosh, these pictures look so much better when they're big.
This happens all the time in this city!
This one looks great big.
Train station
Magda writing a Polish lesson for me. This one was about colors.
I got most of them right. :)
So that's it. Kraków is an old, historic city. Since it wasn't bombed, it has retained its classic atmosphere, unlike Warsaw, which had to rebuild. People told me that all of Kraków was like Warsaw's Old Town, only original. I reckon so. I really enjoyed my visit there and I'm really glad Magda invited me. And now I am going to meet her, so I have to run. This meeting is saving you from many many more words by me.
I will post more before I leave. :)
Full of tea,
I wish I had your eye and your talent for photography. You make pictures fun to look at.....not like most people's, when they want to show you their boring vacation pics! I know you are sad to be leaving, and I feel for you, but I have to tell you, we are all ready for you to come home! I need me a good Chelsea hug! I love you. Be careful. ---Mom
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