Saturday, April 10, 2010

Prezydent już nie ma

The President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, as well as his wife and 80-something other people, have died in a plane crash today. Please pray for the loved ones of those who died, and pray for the people of Poland during this difficult time.


Anonymous said...

Kondolencje wielka strata narodu polskiego!

Jest to bezprecedensowa katastrofa! Tak, a w latach 70. rocznicy tragedii katyńskiej?

Obywateli rosyjskich żałobie razem z wami!

Otoczmy modlitwą ofiary, oraz tych którym teraz będzie najtrudniej pogodzić się ze stratą bliskich.


Debbie Bennett said...

I was so sorry when I heard this. I know it will give you opportunities to minister in different ways. I am praying for you, the missionaries, and the people of Poland.

Anonymous said...