Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Yo! I have Photoshop, all is well. It was lots easier than I thought. Sorry for doubting you, NSCC. You still owe me money, though.

So, there are over 80 pictures I'm going to post. I don't think I'll write much, maybe just to explain what certain things are. I went to Kraków with Magda and her friend Monika (I think, I'm terrible with names, but that's a fairly common one so it's a good guess) on 2 April. I really enjoyed seeing another Polish city. I have to admit, I like Warsaw better so far. However, I would love to try again on a day that is warm and sunny, and see what my impression of Kraków is then...

But for now, pictures.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Piccolo problema...

(Yes, that is Italian.)

I have Photoshop legally, but haven't been able to provide my student documentation to get a serial number... So the trial period finally ran out, and now I can't use it til I get this sorted. This wouldn't be so much of a problem except for the fact that I shoot a file format called RAW, and that needs to be processed before it can be displayed as a JPG or something else.

So, while I'm getting this figured out, here are some older, random pictures that don't really contribute to a story or anything, but might be interesting to someone somewhere.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Prezydent już nie ma

The President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, as well as his wife and 80-something other people, have died in a plane crash today. Please pray for the loved ones of those who died, and pray for the people of Poland during this difficult time.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


As I begin this, we are 21 minutes into Easter. So happy Easter, everyone.

I will share with you some images from Palm Sunday. I went to see what mass was like. I'd never been to a Catholic mass before, at all, so it was quite interesting for me.